Saturday, 31 July 2021

YORKSHIRE CYCLING FED 10 - 31st July 2021 - Boroughbridge

 2nd Overall (by one second!!); 1st Vet; 1st on Standard

Double weekend on my Boroughbridge debut (on the old A1), and scratch in both, so hopeful for first Open win of the season....downhill generally to the turn, and a rolling uphill on the way back...a definite semi Spoco. Gave it my all, although power wise rather down, but often on such rolling courses (with no power at times on the quicker downhill sections the averages are below the normal expectation).

Discovered to finish second by one (bloody) second ðŸ˜Đ...and that would be due to my two attempts to clip in at the start! Very frustrating - although I knew with JR we always have a close race especially on a '10'. Anyhow, nice words from John on my Strava wall, although I still felt rather frustrated.....and this was just the start of the weekend! 

Thanks to Sean Sanders for the photo 👍



Sunday, 25 July 2021

WELSH NATIONAL '30' TT - 25th July 2021 - Abergavenny - Monmouth

 4th Overall; 1st on Standard

National Age Record

Welsh National Standard Gold

One of my favourite locations for racing, if not THE best - stayed on a remote converted farm, heck knows where, down an impossibly narrow overgrown single track lane far tooo long! Anyhow the race....didn't feel too good warming up, but from experience I ignore (my 48 min 25mTT day was a bad warm up!)....focussed on consistency and smoothness and generally it went well, although hard over the last loop to Abergavenny and back to the finish at Raglan....cracking time by the winner Tom Ward, on a course that is probably at least 2 mins slower than certain faster ones in the UK. Comfortably broke the National Age Record, but suggest that is quite vulnerable. Quite humid, poured with sweat, but when stopped. 😅



Saturday, 17 July 2021

ROSSINGTON 10 - 17th July 2021 - Hatfield Woodhouse

 4th Overall; 2nd Vet; 1st on Standard

On a ridiculously hot day ðŸĨĩðŸ”Ĩ(over 31C in the shade) - started first due to a very late entry...did the old trick of pouring iced water over my head and suit pre may have helped! Really suffered on the return though ðŸĪŠ, even 4 miles out, I felt I could've finished at any moment, but yet again, retained my effort and fact, my return time was amazingly identical to my outward five miles (although that did include a very short delay due to a tractor ðŸ˜Ą). Anyhow, everyone else suffered too...and pleased to learn that I finished a very good 4th overall, and again breaking 21 mins (by one second, but it counts!) 😜



Saturday, 10 July 2021

BURTON & DISTRICT CA '50' - Etwall (A50 ðŸ˜ģ ) - 10th July 2021

 8th Overall; 5th Vet; 1st on Standard

National Age Record 1-42-56

Was really hesitant about firstly entering this race and then deciding on the day on whether to race or not, reason being that the race is held on the A50 DC on a Saturday afternoon....must be one of the busiest DCs for racing, and must be very close to the limit for what is acceptable. I drove the course beforehand, which didn't make the decision any easier, but after conversation at the HQ, and seeing others arrive (even with trikes ðŸ˜ģ) I decided to race.

As it turned out, once I got going I did not really think about it, and it seemed OK, except one close pass (possibly done on purpose). Anyhow, after the uneven riding last week, I mantra'd "smooth" to myself, no rushing to get up to speed, or speed panics....watched the power, but started off at a high average (near 320W) but felt easy! Slight tailwind on the outward (of the two laps) but that is the slower section too...hit the turn at 29.1mph, but picked up to 29.4 after one lap (i.e. sub 1-42)....hoped to repeat on the 2nd lap, hit the turn again at 29.1mph, but just could not raise it this time on the return, sitting on 29.1mph all the some quad cramp at about 10 miles out, which cannot have helped, but my power did drop to low 300s - so perhaps I did start too high? Anyhow, finished on a sub 1-43, with a new National Age Record and 8th overall - decent ride. 😝

Couple days after the race got contacted to inform me that I had been included in the "Legends of the RTTC" group - see below 😜ðŸĪ·‍♂️😜


Saturday, 3 July 2021

LEA VALLEY CC '10' - 3rd July 2021 - E2/10 - Newmarket

 14th overall; 10th Vet; 5th on Standard!

National Age Record

Ok, so all seems to be on the up, good timing for a crack at a super fast 10 miler? Little unfortunate in that there was a moderate headwind on the way out, so mentally treated it as a 5 miler to the turn, then hope I could retain the power and come back quicker with the tailwind? Sort of worked, but sure I was far too hyped up to prove to myself I could go fast, and raced it far too aggressively, chasing that speed, instead of letting the speed come to me! Hit the turn at 29.4 mph and 370W average power (but 375 NP) - returned on 355W (357W NP) and 31.9 mph - to finish on 19-36, but three miles out I was in a mess ðŸĨĩ, unusually...still took the National Age Record, but believe I was a good 15-20 seconds down...on the downside too, I 'lost' three of my younger age records too...I need to return to redress that! 😜