Tuesday, 24 May 2016

HARWORTH 'Club' 10M TT - Ranskill - 24th May 2016

2nd Overall
[April 2020: Liked doing the Harworth '10' (actually 9.3) because it was in the area of Ranskill and Mattersey where I regularly trained, and was initially organised by an early cycling pal, Matt Rodgers of the Harworth CC. Also it was a mid week informal 'club' TT - so no pressure and good try out anything new...from my notes it was a step forward:]

 Club Night - best yet this season, felt great - and top time with strong N wind, set off too fast but also a best 341 watts avg - new TT threshold of 325 - 2nd overall.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

SHEFFREC 25M TT - Hatfield Woodhouse - 14th May 2016

9th Overall and 1st O50

[April 2020: Recall struggling to get up to speed this season. I had missed the whole of 2015, I was not sure about my bike set up, and messed around with seat height etc which more than likely did not help...eventually I had a bike fit which seemed to help, or give me that confidence, and this race was the first one where I felt at last, it was starting to pull together - for interest power was 317w - additionally I'm sure it was Pete Read (RIP) who suggested I was too 'skinny' for TT - so I was very happy to stay at my Winter weight, however a beer stomach for extra weight is surely not recommended - so I also started to lose weight (81.5kg on this race - was 84kg for first 4 races]